Marta Pittavino

Marta Pittavino

Mathematics was like a game to me: MatheMagics, a sort of puzzle where connecting different pieces represented solving equations, revealing the solutions behind them and the underlying functions…
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Anastasia Molchanova

Anastasia Molchanova

(…) The “bottleneck” effect in academia — a surplus of opportunities for pursuing PhD and postdoc positions but limited permanent positions available — creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and instability in your life…
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Kira Wetzel

Kira Wetzel

As I move forward, I will continue to champion gender equality and work towards dismantling the barriers that hold us back. I will strive to be the mentor and ally I wish I had when I was starting out. By embracing our unique strengths and fostering a supportive community, I believe we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for all…
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Robyn Shuttleworth

Robyn Shuttleworth

I had always envisioned myself in academia, however, through a chance encounter on social media, I came into a position within industry in the field of cellular rejuvenation…
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Gitta Kutyniok

Gitta Kutyniok

I decided to embrace this paradigm shift and delve research-wise into artificial intelligence. Looking back, this was one of the best decisions in my life…
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Ricki Rosendahl

Ricki Rosendahl

(…) I switched to studying mathematics at the university and went my way to diploma, PhD, being a mother, a teacher, a developer of final exams in math, to leadership in the climate and sustainability working group…
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Zoe Nieraeth (she/her)

Zoe Nieraeth (she/her)

Despite all of this, I have come to a point where I can proudly announce that I am a woman and a mathematician. The fact that I am a woman is an act of defiance. My existence is political. As we are striving for equity in mathematics, ironically, the work yet again falls on our shoulders. We are the ones who have to labor to be seen. Who have to fight to be heard. Who have to tell our stories…
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Divyanshi Mehrotra

Divyanshi Mehrotra

From not being able to pass my Math exam in Grade 9 to becoming the Content Head of Creative Mathematics at a private company…
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Juliana Fernandes da Silva

Juliana Fernandes da Silva

The math-life balance also comes as a challenge, while trying to fulfill the pressure to be productive and achieve personal goals outside work at the same time…
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Fulya Kula

Fulya Kula

My goal is to make sure that research in the didactics of mathematics is actually applied in mathematical teaching. In this way, mathematics education research can really make an impact on the way mathematics is taught…
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Christina Schenk

Christina Schenk

Being a researcher can be equally rewarding and frustrating. But the best part about being a researcher is that learning in a diverse multidisciplinary international environment is your job and that you have the opportunity to make an impact on critical topics, such as sustainability…
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Anna Konstorum

Anna Konstorum

What I’ve come to realize is that your unique interests and capabilities, even when they may not fit easily into a clear label, do have a place in this world where they will be valued…
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Susan Whitehouse

Susan Whitehouse

I loved watching the “Eureka” moments, when a mathematical idea would fall into place for a student, and it was a great privilege to be able to help students access university, particularly when they were the first in their family to do so…
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Sherli Koshy-Chenthittayil (she/her)

Sherli Koshy-Chenthittayil (she/her)

Dealing with accessibility and gender representation in my math classes turned me into an advocate for women and people with disabilities in the STEM fields. Working with like-minded colleagues has helped me realize the power of math in fighting social issues and in self-advocacy…
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Nicola Richmond

Nicola Richmond

I never really planned my career-journey, I did what felt right at the time, and I would never have imagined that I’d end up using my skill-set to find life-changing medicines for patients…
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Juliet Nakakawa Nsumba

Juliet Nakakawa Nsumba

(…) I am still growing in my career and every day I notice my effort in changing the lives of my people and Africa as a whole…
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Sophie Huiberts

Sophie Huiberts

The best part about being a researcher in mathematics is the fact that I am sometimes the first person who finds the solution to a particular problem, the first person ever to know a particular fact. This is a very special experience, and I can be happy about it for weeks. ..
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Qiaoqiao Ding

Qiaoqiao Ding

I think I can say that maths is my job and my life…
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Lakshmi Chandrasekaran

Lakshmi Chandrasekaran

(…) I was happier communicating science than doing the science myself. I decided to switch gears and pursue a career in science communication…
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Bernadette Spieler

Bernadette Spieler

(…) It is essential to dispel misconceptions that computer science is “not creative” or “too difficult.”..
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